With hoopla you’ll soon be streaming movies, music, and TV shows and downloading audiobooks, ebooks, comics for free to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your TV! With no waiting, titles can be streamed immediately, or downloaded to phones or tablets for offline enjoyment later. Lending periods: books for 3 weeks, music albums for 1 week, TV & movies for 2-3 days depending on the title. hoopla is like having your public library at your fingertips. Anytime. Anywhere. Six borrows a month are available for residents of Sioux Center & rural Sioux County. A selection of MasterClass courses and Acorn TV are now available on hoopla.
Access: online (not Internet Explorer) or apps for Apple, Android, Amazon Kindle, Apple TV, Chromecast
Note: if you are registering for a Hoopla account on a mobile device, you must download the app first and register from within the app.
Log-in: Create an account with your 8 digit barcode number (email to get a PIN)
Need help? Check out the following video tutorials or FAQs
- Getting registered on hoopla
- This tutorial will show you how to register for hoopla using the hoopladigital.com website.
- Introduction to hoopla for the web
- Introduction to hoopla for android
- This tutorial will show you how to use hoopla to browse and borrow content on your Android device.
- Introduction to hoopla for iOS
- This tutorial will show you how to use hoopla to browse and borrow content on your iOS device.
NEW! Hoopla now offers BingePasses – a week of unlimited access to the full collection of content- with a single borrow! Current Binge Passes include: The Great Courses, Curiosity Stream, Hellosaurus, Kids’ Books in Action, Kidz Vidz, Read-Along 2 Learn, The Highlights Collection, the Reading Corner, Learn about the World, STEAM Powered Kids, Growin Up: Social-Emotional Learning for Kids, and Cuentos para niños en español.