Online interlibrary loan request form
Request multiple copies of a book for a book club
Borrow from another library
- Our library is connected to other libraries throughout the state and nation. If you can’t find an item in this library, ask library staff to help you get it from another library. This service is free if the book is available in the Iowa Share program. Out-of-state or items not available on Iowa Shares will incur a fee of $3.00 to help offset the postage.
- The Iowa Locator shows you which books may be available for interlibrary loan in Iowa, however our interlibrary loan librarian may be able to find additional books for you nationally if they are not available in Iowa.
Interlibrary loan policy
- The Sioux Center Public Library Board of Trustees supports participation in and use of regional, state, and nation-wide interlibrary networks. The library is a member of Open Access and Access Plus programs with the state of Iowa.
Requests for loans
- Patron requests will be made by filling out an interlibrary loan paper form or an online form found below. The Interlibrary loan librarian will determine the validity of the request and, in the case of high-demand, reference, or new materials, may at their discretion forward it to the ILL librarian or the director for further evaluation prior to ordering.
- Patrons are limited to no more than 5 books per month and 5 articles per week.
- If patrons abuse the ILL system (i.e. do not bring the book(s) back in a timely manner, repeatedly damage items, request multiple renewals), the ILL Librarian can choose to discontinue offering this service to to him/her.
- Interlibrary loan material shall be free of charge to borrow from other libraries if the Sioux Center Public Library can receive the material from the Iowa Shares program offered by the State Library of Iowa. Requests for multiple copies for book clubs will be assessed a $2 fee per book. If the Sioux Center Public Library has to cover postage for the material, then the patron will be assessed a $3 fee in order to help defray the cost of postage.
- The patron assumes full responsibility for any fees associated with the obtaining of materials and for all fees for late, damaged, or lost materials.
- Patrons must be in good standing to order materials through Interlibrary Loan.