Sioux Center Public Library Resources
1. Catalog
- See what books and eBooks the Sioux Center Public Library has on your topic!
- Check out our collection of educational DVDs on the decades, wars, and more!
- You will need to enter a 14 digit SCPL library card number
- Encyclopedia articles as well as media resources (pictures and video clips)
- Sioux County newspaper archives (1870s-present)
- Microfilm of some papers available at the Sioux Center Public Library
4. Genealogy website/resources (or click on resources tab at the top of SCPL’s homepage)
- Census records, Family histories, veterans information and obituaries
- *More resources and family histories available on at the library
Resources from the Library of Congress
Go to and click on “digital collections”
Or directly
1. American History and Culture—American Memory
- Resources on a variety of American history topics, includes primary resources
2. Historic Newspapers—Chronicling America
- American newspapers archives from 1836-1922
3. US Newspaper Directory (click on historic newspapers first)
- (and click on US Newspaper Directory)
- American newspapers from 1960-present
4. Prints and photographs
- Archives of photos, prints, cartoons, and posters from US history
Other valuable web resources
1. New York Times Archives
- Access to older as well as more recent articles
- 10 free articles/month
2. Teaching American History
- Many primary sources on US history going all the back to the foundation of the nation
- Easy to search by eras or themes
3. American Heritage
- See recent articles and archives, artifacts and collections.
4. History Net
- First person accounts from the Vietnam war, Civil War photos and artifacts, aviation history, the wild west and more.
5. Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
- Iowa Heritage Digital Collections is a resource for students, educators, historians, genealogists, and anyone else interested in the people, places and institutions of Iowa. The site provides free access to digital collections from a variety of Iowa cultural institutions. MANY primary sources including diaries! Browse by war/conflict, people, places, organizations, music, maps, events, etc. or do a search.
Visit the Sioux Center Public Library for books, newspapers, microfilm, and librarian assistance. Your SCPL library card also gives you access to Dordt College’s library if you need more books on specific topics.