JobNow features live online coaches who assist in resume/cover letter preparation and help patrons prepare for job interviews. Resumes may also be submitted to the Resume Lab and returned to you with feedback within 24 hours. Career assessments (eParachute) and resources are also available. The adult learning center and SkillSurfer includes test preparation (including the GED, SAT, ACT, GRE, career, and citizenship tests) and live tutoring to help you develop your academic skills. Live job coaching is generally available daily from 1pm-10pm CST.
VetNow live online navigators help veterans and their families with potential eligible benefits in education, employment, healthcare, and housing. Vets also have access to all the JobNow tools to assist them in the job hunting process. Live veteran support is generally available Monday-Friday from 1pm-9pm CST.
Access: Online or app for Apple and Android
Log in: 8 digits
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